Thursday, January 18, 2007

What do you mean, she's dead?

The Daily Express, also known as The Diana Express, is a rare example of journalistic persistence.

The paper has faithfully continued to deliver news about Princess Diana from beyond the grave, to the Diana-starved public. In 2006 alone, the paper devoted its front page to Princess Diana 46 times. The tiny detail that she has been dead for 10 years cannot stop the papers undying love for her and her ability to sell papers.

If only all papers were that dedicated to the causes closest to their hearts: The Independent could put a picture of a melting ice cap or a starving child on the front page every day, The Daily Telegraph a picture of an old man kissing Maggi Thatcher’s feet, The Guardian a picture of a funky new art gallery and The Sun simply a pair of big breast.*

Life and buying papers would be so much simpler.

Here’s some of the best Diana headlines from 2006:


WHY DIANA WOULD HAVE LOVED KATE MOSS by her most trusted aide

DIANA: Princess predicted her own 'murder' time and time again in the two years before her death, says the official report


The day Diana helped bury a baby's body in the palace garden

DIANA: We reveal the truth about her wedding plans in the days before her crash

THE DIANA DOSSIER: Chaos, mystery and cover-up

The truth about Diana's amazing wedding dress

*Info for Danish readers

The Daily Express = similar to BT

The Independent = similar to Information

The Daily Telegraph = similar to Berligske

The Guardian
= similar to Politiken

The Sun = similar to Ekstra Bladet

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