Thursday, February 01, 2007


Life is so unpredictable.

Last week, I was living with my boyfriend in London and working full time. He had a great job, and we were going to Paris next month to visit my friend.

4 days later, my boyfriend has lost his job, my friend had been dumped by the boyfriend we were going to visit in Paris, and I have moved to Copenhagen and am supposed to study full time.

Oh, and by the way, my little sister just told me she's pregnant.

I'm in such a good mood. I love change and challenge more than anything. When everything is up in the air, and you're twirling aroud as you're falling towars the ground,trying to land on your feet. It's like I get wings in those situations, whereas I get heavy and slow like a slug when nothing happens.

Sometimes I even suspect myself of throwing everything up in the air just to feel that I'm alive.

But at least you can't blame me for my boyfriend loosing his job or my siter getting pregnant.

She and her husband will be lovely and devoted parents, who will dote on their kids and feed them raw vegetables and classical music.

My boyfriend will find a new job - hopefully a better one, and maybe even one in Copenhagen! I don't even dare to fantasise about that though, having just settled for being apart for a while. Maybe he lost his job for a reason, and will soon come riding on a white plane to Copenhagen to save me from hugging pets and friends too closely, pretending a pillow is him when I'm asleep and spending all my money on telephone calls.

And my friend who got dumped? Well, the guy was a posh, confused traditional catholic, so maybe its better for her, considering they didn't even agree on using protection. Yes, some catholics are actually against that in real life.

By the way, my sister isn't catholic, just very romantic and ready for a child. At 23. She acts like she's 30 sometimes, and I genuinly belives that a husband, a good job and some lovely kids will make her happy. I don't think that's wanting simple things in life, because marriage and kids are both incredibly complex and demanding, so I'm impressed and very happy for her.

I'm actually surprised that I'm not the tiniest bit jealous of her, jut happy for her. I guesss it's because I'm so happy in the knowledge that I want to wait for a while until I settle down.

I have actuallty grown out of sister-rivalry, how great. I can now go to sleep as a much more self-assured person.

And with feeling a bit sick, after having eaten a ton of licorice. My new flatmates dad works for Haribo. I told you I had missed licorice.

Ah yes - change and challenge are good things, as long as they're for the better.

I want to work for Haribo as well...

Welcome 'home' to Cph, btw.
Everything beats status quo. If nothing changes, then you are already dead.
A - thanks.

Eberhard: True, but when nothing happens you have time to develop in other ways - think of monks : ). Wheras outside change forces you to constantly focus on here and now, and just surviving.
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