Saturday, September 01, 2007


Er det muligt at drikke og stoffe sine hjerneceller fuldstaendigt ud, saa hurtigt? I don't believe it. Men efter mine substans indtagelser de seneste maaneder, foeles det virelig som om der permanenet er smaasten i mit hoved, nothing but, som rasler fra side til side, hver gang jeg proever at taenke en straight tanke. What was it that was so important? Jeg er erkender klart, at jeg er en kaaempe hypokonder, og det redder mig fra at blive afhaengig af noget som helst andet en cigaretter.

Men, som de siger, saa er vi vel alle afhaengige af noget - stoffer, alkohol, sukker, vrede, kaerlighed, had, sex, shopping, fare, haevn, tryghed,rutine, naturen, me one person who's not, at leasty at some point in their life, seriously addicted to something.

I've been there with sex and cigarettes, mainly. Sex is the worst, sex with a specific person that you hate that you despise through and through, and yet all they have to do is look at you and you will take any insult, any hurt, as long as he'll just fuck you once more. That's shit.

It's so shit that when that person calls you after two years, and you're all happily snuggled up with you one-and-only, you feel a dangerous impulse to pick up and say okay, lts meet, let talk, even though you know that all the talking which will happen will be only foreplay to the real thing, and excuse for getting naked.

Shit. I didn't pick up. I just hope he never calls when I have a day where I am less sure ofe my one-and-only-love.

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